Advanced Solutions

We are a Quebec-based company that specializes in lighting products for horticulture and surface disinfection using LED technology.We are dedicated to designing, producing, marketing, and installingLED lights adapted to the needs of different types of plants and projects.Our LED technology offers high outputefficiency, extraordinary energy-saving,and low maintenance cost. In addition, the useful life spanof our lightsis up to50,000 hourswhich is about fivetimesthe life span of a regular incandescent or fluorescent lighting system. Our technology also contributes to environmental protection because it is 100% recyclable,rebuildable,and does not contain mercury like fluorescent tubes.

The 7 principles of sustainable development of ADSOL

ADSOL is committed to sustainable development.Inspired by the Quebec Sustainable Development Act and its 16 principles, we have chosen the following one for our company:

  1. Health and quality of life for everyone.
  2. Protection of the environment.
  3. Participation and engagement.
  4. Prevention, precaution.
  5. Preservation of cultural heritage.
  6. Preservation of biodiversity.
  7. Responsible production and consumption.

Meaning of the ADSOL Logo:

  • The colours blue and green are the colours of Mother Earth.
  • The drop represents the right to clean and crystalline water.
  • The blue circle represents the pure and pollution-free sea.
  • The light blue circle represents the air and atmosphere without greenhouse gases.
  • The green gears and towers are the companies committed to sustainable development like ADSOL.

What else do we do?

Our phytosanitary lighting systems prevent the development of fungi, bacteria, pathogens and deter other types of disease-carrying pestssuch as insects, allowing you to avoid usingpesticides, antifungals,and other dangerous chemicals.Our lights can simulate the visible and non-visible infrared components of the sunlight spectrum,which is
important for planthealth and improved production.They can eliminate all types of pathogens and make plants more robustand healthier.For example, blue and violet reduce the growth and spread of specificpathogens like fungi and bacteria.Secondly, our lights have been designed for three different targets: pesticide-free horticulture, surface disinfection,food processing areas of all types,and life extension of food. Each system uses the same basic technology. We combine wavelengths to find the synergy we need for eachspecific project.

What is our mission?

We develop innovative solutions for our customers,and we can offer you the latest LED technology available in the market.In addition, we offer you our expertise to help you design the perfect LED lighting system for your projects. We don’t just want to sell you lights. Our goal is to provide personalized service and consultation to ensure that the purchased productmeets or exceedsyour expectations. Thank you for taking the time to visit our website

What is our vision?

By developingphytosanitarylighting systems, ADSOL wishes to develop horticulture without pesticides and a pathogen-freeliving environmentfor humans.

What are our values?

Our values are permanent innovation, commitment to the environment, efficiency, quality of our products, collaboration with our customers in their projects, and contributingto the world’s health and quality of lifethrough LED lighting

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