Non-UV Lighting and surface disinfection

After fiveyears of research and development, ADSOL is proud to offer an advanced solution in surface disinfection technology, safe and effortless for all living and working spaces. Our expertise comesfrom the food industrysurface disinfection,andextending the shelf life of food by neutralizing and deactivating pathogens,yeast, moldis possible with LED lighting systems.

We have created a new ambient lighting system that deactivates pathogens in our daily living environments while providing soft andpleasant light for the human eye and animals. The technology is simple, safe,and,most importantly,UV-free.

We use certain wavelengths of the visible spectrum that react with theporphyrin molecules found in most unwantedpathogens. Our wavelengthselection allows a chemical reaction creating cellular oxidation withinthe cells walls of the pathogens. This neutralization method is very different from UV or gamma irradiation, which damagesthe DNA to neutralize everything that is irradiated. In addition,UV’sare extremely dangerous for all mammals, expensive,and difficult to use outside of a controlled industrial environment.

Désinfection sans UV

Éclairage 100% sécuritaire

Technologie 2 en 1

Neutralise les coronavirus et l´influenza

Élimine les bactéries et les champignons

Lumière saine pour vie saine

Our products for antibacterial lighting and NON UV disinfection

Our LED disinfection technology is gentle on mammals, meats, foods,and plants compared to traditional irradiation methods, which without exception, denature foods and products in many ways (color, taste, texture, essential oils, DNA…). Our disinfection LEDs do not denature any raw material but rather focus on disrupting certain cellsmoleculesessential to the survival andproliferation of unwanted pathogenic microorganisms.

Our technology disinfects air and surfaces without UV rays and kills pathogens without posing a danger to humans, plants,oranimals. With the advent of the covid-19 pandemic, we have conducted efficiency tests for the neutralization/deactivation of a coronavirus.Dr. Benoît Barbeau of the University of UQAM has obtained a positiveresult of more than 99% efficiency in the laboratory.

Whether for a new building, a school, an office, a restaurant, a lobby, public transportation, a kitchen, a food processing plant, a warehouse, or even a simple bathroom, we have a simple and effective antimicrobial lighting solutionoffer you.

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