Do you want to reproduceinsects such as the Black Soldier fly?

With black soldier fly larvae, we are on our way to asustainable circular economy. Advanced Solutions is the first Canadian electrical engineering company to invest in the circular and sustainable economy fully.

Following the request of Dr. Grant Vandenberg of Laval University,ADSOL has invested in the realization of an unprecedented technical challenge. To develop a new lightthat could promote insect reproduction indoors in controlled environments, as there was no light optimized for this purpose on the market.

Our spectral wavelength combination is specifically designed to maximize insect development and reproduction. It allows insect breeders to achieve an unparalleled level of production and reproduction.Our black soldierflyHermetia illucens breedinglights bring the larvae to commercial maturity in less than fivedays, not to mention reducing the energy costs of production by over 60%. We offer fixtures for any breedingprojects(industrial, commercial, hobby, pet store) with different powers from 50 to 500W.

We offer fixtures for any breeding projects (industrial, commercial, hobby, pet store) with different powers from 50 to 500 W.

Unique spectrum for fly reproduction

Increased productivity

Promotes good insect health

Local service guarantee

Agricultural circular economy

Reduced energy costs

Our products for the reproduction of the Black Soldier Fly

For example, a 50-Watts ADSOL fixture produces the same amount of black soldier fly larvae as a 400 Watts “Hortilux Blue” fixture or a 150 Watts “EVO” fixture.

Many companies in the insect farming industry choose ADSOL’s technology to help them stay ahead of the game. Finally, we can see that the ADSOL fixture is the most optimal on the market today because of the research we have done on the insect’s eyes and photoreceptors.

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